Friday, December 12, 2014

Mitaka Inokashira Park - December 3rd

December 3rd was actually the second to last day of class and we had already taken all of our tests, so we had some fun in class. 

No Mr. T-Rex! Don't attack the poor giraffe! Mr. Penguin, why aren't you stopping them?

 After class, Mina, Butter, and I went to Mitaka Inokashira park, which is well known for being beautiful during the fall. You can judge for yourself, but I definitely thought it was. Plus, it was nice to do something other than go straight home after class. ^^ Nothing like a bit of sunshine~


These red leaves though...

       I couldn't not take a picture of the paddle boats. They look like
      they belong in a drama!

     Why do we take pictures like this? We have so many...                                              *heavenly music plays*

This was one of my favorite trees. On my phone, the red leaves seemed to pop out of the screen.


I feel guilty about taking selfies because last time I showed Nico 
my pictures, first thing he says is: "Your selfie game is strong." -_- Thanks....

A really nice old lady ended up explaining this memorial to us. It was especially nice because not only did she not assume that we only spoke English, she spoke to us in Japanese slowly enough to understand.

Hellooooo dooown theere~

 At the end of my trip, I'm going to try to have a post showing all the Triforces I found throughout my trip. Zelda fans unite~!

I don't know why...but I really love this tree...

 In January there will be more pictures of the Ghibli Museum because we finally got tickets to go. These tickets sell out the day they become available. It was crazy.

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